Insurance activity = activity performed in or from Romania, which mainly consists in the offering, mediation, negotiation, conclusion of insurance and reinsurance contracts, the collection of premiums, claims settlement, the recourse and recovery activity, as well as the investment or turning to account of own funds and of funds attracted by the carried out activity;
Insurance agent – individual or legal entity authorized by virtue of an insurer, licensed to negotiate or conclude insurance contracts, on behalf and on the account of the insurer, according to the terms provided in the its mandate contract without having the capacity of an insurer or of an insurance broker; his remuneration shall be performed by salary or sales commission.
Insurance = operation whereby an insurer sets up on the principle of mutuality an insurance fund by the contribution of a number of insured persons, exposed to the occurrence of certain risks and indemnifies those suffering a prejudice on behalf of the fund made up of the collected premiums, as well as on behalf of the other income resulting further to the carried out activity;
Insurer = legal entity licensed under the terms of the law to perform insurance and / or reinsurance activities
Insured = person having an insurance contract concluded with the insurer.
Illness = State of health of an insured person that needs a diagnosis and/or treatment according to the opinion of a licensed physician.
Insurance broker = legal entity licensed under the Law to negotiate for its Clients, individuals or juridical persons, insured or potential insured, the conclusion of insurance or reinsurance contracts, providing support before and throughout the period of insurance contracts or in regard to claims settlement, as the case may be;
Indemnity = amount paid by the insurer, as the case may be, to the insured or beneficiary of the insurance, for the damages occurring as a result of an insured risk.
Insured event = insured risk defined in the contractual terms from the occurrence of which resulted damages to the insured interest; the manifestation of an imprudence or negligence act, committed by the insured or his assigns throughout the insured period, which causes prejudices to a third party.
Insured period = period throughout which the insurer, in exchange of collecting the insurance premium, takes over the liability for the insured risks and it represents the time interval between 0:00 o’clock of the day on which the insurance contract is effective and 24:00 o’clock of the last day of the period for which the insurance policy and the insurance premium was paid.
Insurance policy = document issued by the insurer whereby are established the terms (liability limit/policy, insurance period, insurance premium, deductible etc.) in which the insurance of a specified risk is concluded. The insurance policy usually includes: the policy form, the insurance terms, the risk inspection as well as other appendixes or supplements that are agreed between the insured and insurer as being part of the insurance contract.
Insurance portfolio = totality or part of the insurance contracts concluded by an insurer.
Insurance premium = amount of money that has to be paid by the insured according to the premium schedule in exchange of the taking-over by the insurance company of the insured risks.
Insured risk = event stipulated in the insurance terms as possible to occur.
Insured amount = the amount specified in the insurance policy, which is received by the insured or beneficiary in case the insured event occurs.